Ban on assault weapons isn’t enough to heal the human race.

I support the banning of assault weapons, and the accessories that allow semi-automatic weapons to be turned into fully automatic weapons.  In mid-term elections, I will support candidates who align with my values/morals & beliefs, and do my part to vote out those who do not.  

Phew…. couldn’t type that fast enough in case some were wondering if I, a peace practitioner, my newly-minted title I am playing around with today, had switched sides.

I’ve never understood guns as a means to protect and keep peace.  Guns- hurt & kill.  And as we who study peace, happiness, love, and ways to promote healing in our people/society/culture/world know to be true…the only path to healing hate/anger/hurt is love.  Love is the way.  

Spur of the moment, I decided to go to “1” day of the 41st annual Psychotherapy Networker Conference in DC- mostly because it coincided with the March for Our Lives rally.  There was a moment when it all became clear- personally & professionally why I was there.  Why the stars aligned.  Why I advocated for myself to attend.  How connected these two days were for me.  It was as if every single one of the moments leading up to my leaving- including a retreat with my son’s 10th grade class- was necessary for that “wow” moment to be full realized in my heart/soul.

In a very large auditorium, I listened & participated in some emotionally uncomfortable exercises with the wise & beautiful spirit of Jack Kornfield & the energetic, confrontational, & motivational Tony Robbins.

Have you ever had that moment in your life when you exhaled and thought, yeah….I’m ready for this change, whatever it is, to begin within me?  

Both uncomfortable and resistant forces can rise up to meet this opportunity, pushing it away for another day, another time, another..another that may never happen.

Attending the March, with these courageous & outspoken children/teens…..the harsh reality of “another…..” possibly never happening was hammered home again and again and again.  You might not have another time.

And so…. with slight apprehension, I sat in that auditorium and took a series of deep breaths, allowing whatever was to happen, whatever messages needed to be presented, whatever path needed to unfold in front of me to present themselves.  With brilliant clarity, the recurring theme ~ I saw it.

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Ok, not in its entirety- but I know my reason on this earth, is to not only practice & live peace & love in my own life, but to teach others to do so too.  It’s both bigger and smaller all at the same time to what I am already doing.  Smaller in its simplicity but BIGGER in the mission- in my willingness to allow a bigger plan to unfold even if that makes me less invisible, less nameless, less reclusive, less ….less…less.  It’s EASY for me to write.  Both genetics and really great teachers along the way have helped me to learn to express my thoughts through words, but it’s not enough.  It became clear, through the workshops at the conference and the speeches at the March, there is a bigger purpose.

Peace & Love is ALWAYS the answer.  What are the gang members & mass shooters and most violent criminals of the world missing?  If they are not pervasively mentally ill, and many are not, what is missing?  Do they know how to love & find peace in themselves? Do you?  Do they know how to forgive others and the gift it is the PERSON FORGIVING (Not the forgiven)?  Do you?  Do they know there are other ways to resolve conflict rather than resort to violence and firearms?  Do you?  Do they know the power of meditation, of breath work, of exercise, of volunteering and serving others?  Do you?  Do they know that love and peace and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but rather healing forces available to ANY person who takes time to choose to listen, to learn, to use them?  Do you?

I don’t have all the answers….YET….and actually am certain I won’t have all of them until I take my very last breath and in my belief, am united with all who have come before me- only then will I truly understand the complexities of this earthly life.

However, acknowledging I don’t have all the answers DOES NOT mean I give up and accept the status quo of increasing gun violence, increasing suicidal ideation/attempts/and completions, domestic violence, terrorism, mass shootings, and crimes against our most vulnerable in our world.  It DOES NOT mean I accept trite rhetoric that perpetuates a cultural acceptance of no reasonable solutions or no hope for peace.  Don’t our kids and teens and people of our country and world deserve a minimum to go to places of worship or clubs or schools or concerts and at a minimum not have to worry they will be mowed down by a mass shooter?

If you CHOOSE to study peace & happiness….listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, read, seek….you WILL find there are places in our world that DO NOT have violence like our country.  While many, when asked, will quite readily state money and fame or status correlate to happiness (and peace) and in fact, they would be absolutely categorically wrong.  There is absolutely no correlation.  However, two themes that do closely correlate to happiness & peace are:  a strong connection with others in their community, and purpose/passion for something larger than themselves in life.  We CAN make a difference in our society and culture and country and world…..the question is…. are our actions/laws/intentions supporting an environment of peace & happiness, or one of hatred/conflict?

A later date…I will follow-up on my research for what truly makes people happy…. but in the meantime, if you like me want to continue to learn ways to feel empowered in what is a scary and troublesome time in our history….here are some suggestions for what you CAN do:

  • Continue this conversation.  Especially with those who disagree with you.  It is not enough to surround yourself with like-minded people, we need to be courageous and have uncomfortable conversations.  Our future depends on it!
  • Vote!  And encourage young adults to register and to VOTE!  It is estimated 22,000,000 “18 year olds” will be eligible to vote in the midterm elections.  Still think teens can’t be a force for change in our world?
  • Seek- never stop seeking ways to find inner peace and spread what you learn with others.  Read intentionally, watch with curiosity people, events, stories around you.
  • Meditate/pray often and much.  And teach others how to do so.
  • Share this blog with others who might need to feel some hope and love and peace in their day.

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Wishing you peace in your journey…now and always.