Peace, Love, Kindness and Acceptance and Supreme Court Ruling

Image result for key west

Where were you when the Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriages was announced?  Well I was very close to the photo above.  In beautiful Key West, Florida.

There seems to be some sort of irony in this story, a “good Catholic” girl, who grew up in a politically conservative family, vacationing in Key West, Florida with her husband, 2 sons, and parents as the ruling was made public.  However, I can’t imagine a place I would’ve rather have been at that moment.  I felt honored to have so many friends and family members who were now able to have the same right I had known for over 20 years, to be able to marry who you love.  How could this right be denied to so many?

My oldest son & his friends were passionately behind the decision, truthfully I felt humbled to learn how much he cared about the decision.  The compassion & acceptance he has learned in his 17 years, and the belief that all should be treated with respect is something I hoped he learned from me, but now I realize his courage to stand behind an issue he believes in is truly beyond anything I could have taught him or could do myself.  In my younger days….I remember that passion….that conviction……awe inspiring…….but somewhere along the way….so many of us lose it I’m afraid, and forget that critical thinking about an issue is truly the only was we can expand our ability to understand it.

So…….in the midst of this eclectic town, my inquisitive 17-year-old engaged (sometimes at nauseum) this conversation repeatedly…..why were people so enraged over the decision to grant marriage equality for all in our country?

Emails.  Facebook posts.  So many filled with hatred….it was shameful to read.

I had nearly a week to mull this over with him….over and over…..

The Supreme Court Ruling on Equality in Marriage has been a wonderful educator, not only on what people think about the issue of same-sex marriage, but also on how we treat others whose opinions differ from our own.  On both sides.

I looked up in the bible to see how many references there were on this issue, only to find some disagreement on exact numbers (as there is still so much left to interpretation), but still found only a handful of references to same-sex relationships.  On kindness?  On peace?  On loving one another? On showing compassion?  The numbers are outstandingly different! Based on that alone, what messages do you think God wants us to understand above all others………to love one another……..

I thought about it for a bit and my response was this……..I find life complicated enough to figure out for myself each day, I cannot be consumed with trying to figure out if others are living their life “correctly.” Each night before I go to bed I pray and think, was I kind today?  Did I show others compassion?  Did I offer support so someone else who needed me?  Did I live my life to honor what God would want me to be doing?  Simple….and yet complex.

Although I’m not old enough to remember, it wasn’t that long ago when women were not allowed to vote, and people were forbidden to marry outside of our own race……I am so thankful to be living in a time that is moving towards acceptance, kindness, love and hopefully one day peace for all in our world…..

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Be who you are, even if only you understands you

I’m not sure why I take the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory Test ( thinking at some point I’m going to have a different “type.” I’ve taken it several times, and while I feel like I know myself rather well, I am still surprised every time to find out I”m an

INFJ- Introvert (100%), Intuition (12%), Feeling (12%) and Judging (44%).  While the percentages of the last 3 vary somewhat from test to test, I am always, always an introvert.  I speak in public on the topic of peace and have created a program for women on finding inner peace in their lives, often facilitating workshops in the community.  And while I believe I am an effective and engaged presenter and have received positive feedback for my presentations, the ability to present is something that is difficult for me emotionally every time I do it.

I remember being a child and looking at friends or classmates who were outgoing and seemed to be able to enter into conversation easily, never looking or appearing awkward or nervous.  These same classmates ran for school office, tried out for leads in the play, and were captains of their preferred sports or academic groups.  I, however, spent much of my time observing, listening, and preferred time to be with smaller groups or individuals.  I remember thinking “there must be something wrong with me, why can’t I be like them?”

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde 

In adulthood, I recognize my introversion as a personality trait not unlike my ability to empathize with others, to be calm in the midst of chaos, to be comforting and engaged when others are hurting….it is who I am.  And while I felt somewhat inferior as a child because I “wasn’t” an extrovert, as an adult I’m able to not only accept, but rather honor that part of me who makes me…well…. me!

In clinical practice, I often work with clients who are trying to make changes to better their lives, and one topic that often presents is the desire to have more of a social life- to be more connected with large groups of people- and to have more excitement in one’s life. Why? I think…… is this necessary for fulfillment in life?  Where did the notion come from in thinking that a fulfilling life= large circles of friends and being at the center of attention in a room.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

True happiness comes, rather, in accepting who we are.  Not wanting to be one of the masses, to just squeak on by, but to celebrate the quirkiness- the flaws- the idiosyncrasies  that make each of us unique.  And while the “child” in me longed to be someone I wasn’t…….longed to be one the “in crowd”…..the wise woman in me celebrates the calm that has come in not only celebrating who I am, but enabling others to be proud of themselves too.

One of my favorite poems…for kids….but equally fitting for adults….may be all be kids at heart……

So being an introvert doesn’t make me a shy/less than person in relation to my extroverted peers.  It makes me, me.  And why would I really want to be anyone else?

So who are you, really?

Are you celebrating the one and only you today?

May you find peace and joy in your search today…..And know no matter who you are….you’re beautiful just the way you are.
