About Me…. disclaimer before you read….

Welcome to my blog….peace in the journey.

I’m a clinical social worker in private practice (as my day job), but I am a writer at heart trying, like most, to find peace and meaning in life.

I write about my journey to find peace and balance in life, as well as running, being a mom, family, friends, and many other mundane and random observations along the way in this journey called life.

I am technologically challenged. I am hoping my working on a blog will help me challenge myself not only in my writing skills, but in my ability to work with technology to expand my skill set and reader base.

Writing helps me find peace and meaning and direction in my life. I hope it helps those who read my thoughts in written form as well.
Peace….. Michelle

1 thought on “About Me…. disclaimer before you read….

  1. Walter here, ready to turn in for,the night! Ran with Jim, I mean Ted this morning. Did a six miler thru the trails of River Bends Park. He agreed that the trails will be perfect training trails for us in preparation for DWD! He gave me your blog address,visited it and what can I say……this was very very well written! You described the conditions, places, people, weather, music, with the expertise of a professional writer! (Question, will other people see my comments, like Facebook? This is my very first dealings with a blog!)
    Ok that’s it, take care!

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